About Me

Tacoma, Washington
Four Little Mittens Have Lost Their Kittens! This is a story of a lovely lady and super awesome gentleman who both work full time, try to raise 4 children simultaneously and drive a mini van! Oh. And we have a fur baby too! I doubt this blog will get updated regularly, or at all for that matter...but I am going to give it the 'ol college try!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

a day or two in Santa Cruz... :)

there was a time in my life when I would have said that San Diego was my favorite place.
that was until I was able to spend a day or two in Santa Cruz with my fam bam and friends.
we didn't have to do anything while we were there.
but we made sure to enjoy the heck out of every minute while we were in Santa Cruz.

the girls LOVED the water.
they LOVED the beach.
they LOVED just being little kids without a worry in the world.
I LOVED watching every minute of it!

a lone pair of sunnies on the beach. my fav picture :)

a day on the beach would hardly be complete w/o
a Binder Family Self Portrait!

danglin' feet!

twin bridges park @ sunset.

my sweet friend Ruthie and her adorable son Levi.
our trip to Santa Cruz was perfect.
it was slow and quiet.
there is a different life out there besides wanting to punch the alarm clock every morning at 430 am...
if I had a choice...
we'd be living in a shack close to the beach in Santa Cruz...
wearing flip flops and a hoodie every day! :)


Sunday, November 28, 2010

a day on the beach with the Foisy Family... :)

meet the Foisy family.
they are basically family to us.
Brody and Brian recently celebrated their 20th best friend anniversary this year.
(well, they didn't actually celebrate it, but it has been 20 years)

and, this wasn't an actual shoot...
it was a beach day with our two families...
and of course I had a camera :)

i am waiting for a phone call from HURLEY... :)

the kids loved playing in the water...
well, running away from the water is more like it...
but they all had a blast together.
it's fun watching the kids of the best friends play together...

still waiting for the phone call :)

Callie wasn't exactly fond of the water to begin with...
so, I snapped some pictures of her in the sand.

Callie lovin' on daddy :)

and...well...I did have my camera...
so, I forced them to stand together and smile :)

and...then turn around and smile...
it wouldn't be right without a booty shot...
at least not from me anyways ;0 )

we had a great day playing on the beach with the Foisy Fam Bam!
I just wish we could do it more often!

we love you and we're looking forward to Christmas in February ;0 )
you wont need your flip flops tho...
snow boots will do :)




Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Last Minute Potter Family Photo Shoot

meet the Potter Family.
they happened to all be in one place for one whole afternoon...
and they asked me to capture a moment or two of them together as a family.

such a happy little one!

there's a grand-baby boy in there!

this was just a fun little addition...


Sunday, October 24, 2010

Paul and Melissa are Married!...and they asked me to photograph their wedding...

I still remember the day Paul asked me to shoot his wedding.
I gave him a funny look, like, really?
you see, Paul is a photographer himself.
a REALLY good one at that.
not only was I intimidated to shoot his wedding because of that fact,
I have never ever done one or even shadowed one...
AND, I had never met the bride...
it was intimidating as it gets!

but, Paul's charm kicked in, and next thing I knew I was clearing my calendar for October 9th, 2010.


I remember kissing my family good-bye as I headed south towards Sandy that day.
I turned up my radio and jammed out to try to forget about what I was about to do.
I felt like I got there in record time...even if there was no record set to begin with.
I got to their house...
made it up to the door...
and BAM!
I met some of the nicest people I have ever met!
Melissa, the bride, was so warm and friendly...
after a few minutes I felt like she had been my friend for the past 7 years.
all the little girls were so sweet and ready to smile for me.
I felt like I belonged there, even though I was shaking in my flats!

shortly after I got there, it was time to head up to American Fork Canyon.
I road along with Paul, Tom (the officiant) and Paul's two girls, Brenna and Loryn.
we made it all the way to where we were supposed to be without a snag.
nevermind the fact that when we left the house, the gas gage wasn't exactly pointed up...
it was more so pointed in a downward like fashion.
but! we made it.

we walked to where the ceremony was going to take place.
it was beautiful.
the air was clean.
the trees were bright and vivid.
it was beautiful!

I wasn't sure what to expect...
but even if I tried,
I don't think I could have even came close...

mom putting on Paul's corsage.

some daddy loves...

we were there for about 7 minutes before Melissa and the rest of the entourage got there.
her daughters, Alex and Riley, started trekking up the trail, closely followed by grandma and grandpa.
I then headed back to the trail head to meet Melissa.
again, I didn't know what to expect.
and then she stepped out of the car looking all kinds of beautiful.
and sporting a smile that hits you like a brick wall (in a good way).

I snapped some pictures of her and her daddy... 

and then it was game time...
they were off and headed up the trail...

this is where my heart realized that this was something so much more special that I could have ever have thought up.
Paul told me it was just going to be a little ceremony.
nothing big.
just a small joining of two families.
ha. he was lying.

this is easily one of the biggest events I have ever been apart of.
no matter the size of the place or the amount of people attending...
this was one of those things that was so intense and so real.
 the union of these two families will stay apart of me forever.

they wrote their own vows.
they made you smile.
they made you laugh.
they made you cry.
they made you feel the love that they have for one another.

to symbolize the union of two families,
they included a unity candle.
a very large unity candle.
it was a very special moment for all who were there.

six flames.  one family.

sealed with a kiss and a blessing...
 and good wishes from all...

meet Mr & Mrs Coleman!

i couldn't stop taking pictures of melissa...
she's just ridiculously beautiful...

and her smile is ridiculously contagious.

I couldn't leave the following pictures out.
these girls were so sweet and so loving.

flower girls. bridesmaids. sisters.

Paul and Melissa,
thanks for letting me be a part of your day.
I can't count the times I cried and laughed that day.
your love is inspiring.
and your kindness is out of this world.
I wish you two the very best life has to offer you.
