About Me

Tacoma, Washington
Four Little Mittens Have Lost Their Kittens! This is a story of a lovely lady and super awesome gentleman who both work full time, try to raise 4 children simultaneously and drive a mini van! Oh. And we have a fur baby too! I doubt this blog will get updated regularly, or at all for that matter...but I am going to give it the 'ol college try!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

My Own Creative Inspiration ;)

you know how picture day is always stressful...
especially for a mom?
we always want our family to look perfect.
we buy clothes specifically for picture day.
we make sure everyone looks the best before we get a chance to perfect our look...
and by that point the kids are ready to play in the dirt and yank their bows out of their hair...
and dad, well, dad is ready to call it quits.

my daughter Aislinn inspired me over the past few years.
every time she gets dressed, its always something ridiculous...
and I have yet to let her out of the house when she dresses herself.
it hit me...
why not showcase who the characters of my family truly are.
today, I gave in.
I let her dress herself...in whatever she wanted...
today's special was halloween tights and an old christmas dress.
then, I told her sister to get dressed in whatever she wanted...
I knew she would pick a tank top so that was the only restriction I put in place...
only because it's not quite warm enough for tank tops and flip flops...

after the girls got dressed I grabbed my camera and we headed outside!
it was a ton of fun!
I am newly inspired on so many levels and I think this may be a future addition to my business...
I don't think it will be too hard to market once all the moms out there see how cute it is and hear how fun and stress-free picture day can be!

here are my girls.
I had NOTHING to do with what they wore...
and I let them jump around and run around and strike their own poses...
we had a blast!

we had SO much fun!
now I just need a name for such a shoot...
any ideas???

