About Me

Tacoma, Washington
Four Little Mittens Have Lost Their Kittens! This is a story of a lovely lady and super awesome gentleman who both work full time, try to raise 4 children simultaneously and drive a mini van! Oh. And we have a fur baby too! I doubt this blog will get updated regularly, or at all for that matter...but I am going to give it the 'ol college try!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Sweet Sisters.

these two girls are the sweetest sisters ever.
i can only hope that my girls will be as sweet as these two!
i took these photos in salt lake city, in the middle of the hustle and bustle.

such a pretty little face


you couldn't have paid me to climb on that generator!
such a good sport. and i'm thinkin' we have a model in the making!

thats a BIG flower!


  1. Wow! Kaethe you HAVE to take our family picture and my Lily's pics! When do you come back to Washington...please hurry :-) I need you to take our pictures before you are famous and outrageously expensive!

    By the way those girls are gorgeous! Great job!


  2. hey Leah! Thanks :) You are so sweet :) And, funny...i was thinking of you when i posted this earlier today. Strange huh? I'll be home in August and then again in September...once everything is set in stone I will send you the dates :) thanks again. you put a huge smile right across my face!
