About Me

Tacoma, Washington
Four Little Mittens Have Lost Their Kittens! This is a story of a lovely lady and super awesome gentleman who both work full time, try to raise 4 children simultaneously and drive a mini van! Oh. And we have a fur baby too! I doubt this blog will get updated regularly, or at all for that matter...but I am going to give it the 'ol college try!

Friday, July 2, 2010

Dear Nancy...

Today...today was not my most favorite day. Today, I received an email from 'Nancy'... she attacked me and accused me of being uneducated and being just another girl with a camera. She went on to say that I am moonlighting without the proper education or real world experience. She said that she hopes that I feel GREAT about ruining people's once in a life time events with badly exposed, badly lit and awfully composed images. Her last line..."YOU ARE NOT A PHOTOGRAPHER, YOU ARE A CAMERA OWNER."

Well, Nancy, as much as you got my blood boiling, I can assure you that I am not just a camera owner. And I think, although you tried to bring me down...I actually KNOW that you empowered me that much more. Congrats! I hope that makes you feel better. And, Nancy, you used a hoax email and couldn't even tell me this honestly. You hid behind someone else's AWESOME business...(check out studio 1 utah, you'll see...they rock) and attempted to belittle me without knowing a thing. So, Nancy...thanks for lighting the fire. I hardly consider myself a professional photographer...but I KNOW for a fact...I got the skills to pay the bills. Nancy, I triple dog dare you to show your face and lets see your work! I've got some pretty AWESOME mentors and teachers that would back me up 100%...bring it on NANCY!

okay...now that I got that out of the way...too all the wonderful people who support me...Brody, Delo, Ashley, Laurie, Caryn, Ed, Jon, Mom, Alicia, Brad, Leah, Jennifer...the list goes on (sorry if I missed you)...thanks for your continued support and enthusiasm for me as I chase my dream of doing something I love...you guys ROCK! I'll show all those "NANCY's" out there that they AINT got nothin' :)

Love Always,

KaetheJo :)


  1. Wow really, who does that!!! Apparently this chick is not sucure with her own photography, so she has to go around bashing others! How childish! Well girl I think you have real talent, don't let those Nancy's tell you any different!

  2. How crazy! And mean. Everyone has their own style behind the camera and while I like yours, sure I can understand its not for everyone. But ummm the people whose memories you are 'ruining' they have a right to choose you if they want your 'over exposed' style. Because as far as I know, you aren't hiding your work from anyone. I mean I know at least nancy and I have access to your blog.

  3. Thanks guys :) And Kaleena...you are ABSOLUTELY correct. Like any sort of art...a painter, a crafter, a quilter, a pottery maker, a glass blower...and a photographer...its art...and its all about what you like :) And, I make excellent exposures... NANCY clearly doesn't know what she is talking about. But...taking the good from the bad...she's just made me want to take more pictures and get myself out there even more. So for that, I'm glad Nancy said what she needed to say :0 )
